Circuit diagram :
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Voltage Controlled Oscillator Circuit
Then the output of the Schmitt trigger is high, the clamp transistor TR; is conducting and the input current passing through R2 is shunted to ground. The current passing through R 1 causes a falling ramp to be formed. When the Schmitt circuit changes state, its output switches TR; to the nonconducting state. The current flowing through R2 can be made twice that flowing through Fl; (R2 = R;/2) so that the rising part of the ramp has a similar slope to the negative part. The greater the value of the control voltage, the greater the frequency of oscillation. However, the voltage must exceed the constant input voltage (V,) or the circuit will fail to oscillate.
Simple Neon Lamp Tester Circuit
- This tester can also be used to check IF transformers used in AC mains operated radio receiver.
- Though this tester is not very accurate, it can give a reasonably good indication about the condition of the components being tested.
- Neon lamps are ideal indicators for simple testers to check large resistances of leaky capacitors and mains lF transformers.
- For accuracy, the component being tested should not have any shunting resistance. lf a shunting resistance is present, disconnect one end of it before testing.
- Such a defective component cannot be easily tested with simple test equipment.
- The tester circuit uses a relaxation oscillator, the frequency of which is determined by capacitor Cl and the external resistance (leakage resistance of the component under test) between the probes.
- Two flashes per second on neon lamp indicates 200 megohm leakage resistance, four flashes l00 megohm, eight flashes 50 megohm, and so on.
- Moreover, as it tests capacitors at a fairly high voltage—closer to that of the operating voltage-it offers an advantage over a VTVM which is operated at a low voltage and gives inconclusive results.
- Being high-voltage, low-current devices, the neon lamps are very sensitive.
- The grid of an IF amplifier usually has a high AC impedance and its primary is operated at a high voltage.
- A small leak in the lFl` can cause considerable trouble.
Simplest Automatic Ni Cd Battery Charger Circuit Using IC 555
The circuit uses the timer’s two on-chip comparators, the flip flop and driver amplifier. A zener provides a reference voltage somewhere near the battery voltage with an allowance for adjustment.
The two potential divider networks supply the comparators with adjustable voltages, one for LOW (switch on) and the other for HlGH (switch off). When on, the output gives a maximum of 10V and when off gives GV, the maximum current is 150mA which is limited by the ·47 ohms and protected by the diode. The circuit is calibrated by substituting a variable voltage supply for the Ni-Cd batteries., The HIGH adjustment is set first so that the output switches off at the maximum battery voltage and then the LOW is set for minimum battery voltage. It is simplest to leave the output disconnected from the resistor until after the setting up procedure.
Simple UJT Timer Circuit
This regular pulse momentarily reduces the peak point voltage of O1 1 and thus allows the peak point current to be supplied from C1 rather than F1‘1,` as it would be with the more conventional circuits of this type. The pulse rate of oscillator O2 is not very critical but it should have a period that is less than one fiftieth of the overall time delay.
Simple UJT Timer Circuit
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Simple Neon Tube Flasher Circuit
This simple neon tube flasher circuit enables neon tubes or bulbs to be operated from a low voltage dc supply. The voltage required to ignite the neon tube is obtained by using an ordinary filament transformer (240-6.3Vl in reverse. Battery drain is quite low being in the region of 1 to 2 milliamps for a nine volt battery. O1 is a unijunction transistor and operates as a relaxation oscillator. its frequency of operation is determined by R2-C1. The pulses from Q1 are directed to O2 which in tum drives O3 into saturation. The sharp rise in current through the 6.3V winding of the transformer as 03 goes into saturation induces a high voltage in the secondary winding causing the neon to flash. The diode D1 protects the transistor from high voltage spikes generated when switching currents in the transformer.
High Voltage Generator Circuit Diagram
DC Voltage Doubler using the 74HC132 Circuit Diagram
Simple FAN 7710 Ballast Control
Animal Friendiy Mousetrap
Soft Start For Switching Power Supply
Circuit diagram:
Emergency Light using Phone Line Circuit Diagram
How to Reuse Old Cell Battery for LED lighting
How to Reuse Old Cell Battery for LED lighting
Simple Fluorescent Without Transformer Circuit Diagram
PC Heat Monitor
Sourced by Dr. Mohn kumar
Low Dropout Adjustable Breadboard Power Supply
MIC2941 regulator has guaranteed 1.25A output
Low dropout, only 40mV - 400mV compared to 1.25V - 2.0V for LM317. This means you can use a wider range of output voltages including generating 3.3V from as low as 3.7V (such as 3 AAs or a lithium ion battery)!
Short circuit and overheating protection
Input diode to protect circuitry from negative voltages or AC power supplies.
2.1mm DC jack and terminal connector for voltage inputs
Two indicator LEDs for high and low voltages
Output selection switch to select from 3.3v, 5v and Adjustable
On-board potentiometer for adjusting voltage from 1.25V up to within 0.5V of the input voltage. (20V max)
On/Off switch for entire board
Hot 2 Watt Audio Amplifier
P1 = 10K
R1 = 33K
R2 = 33K
R3 = 33R
R4 = 15K
R5 = 1K
R6 = 1K
R7 = 680R
R8 = 120R-1/2W
R9 = 100R-1/2W Trimmer Cermet
C1 = 10µF-63V
C2 = 10µF-63V
C3 = 100µF-25V
C4 = 470µF-25V
C5 = 47pF-63V
C7 = 470µF-25V
C6 = 220nF-63V
C8 = 1000µF-25V
D1 = 1N4148
Q1 = BC560C
Q2 = BC337
Q3 = TIP31A
Q4 = TIP32A
SW1 = SPST switch
SPKR = 3-5 Watt Loudspeaker
Circuit Operation:
The circuit was deliberately designed using no ICs and in a rather old-fashioned manner in order to obtain good harmonic distortion behavior and to avoid hard to find components. The amplifier(s) can be conveniently supplied by a 12V wall plug-in adapter. Closing SW1 a bass-boost is provided but, at the same time, volume control must be increased to compensate for power loss at higher frequencies. In use, R9 should be carefully adjusted to provide minimal audible signal cross-over distortion consistent with minimal measured quiescent current consumption; a good compromise is to set the quiescent current at about 10-15 mA. To measure this current, wire a DC current meter temporarily in series with the collector of Q3.
Simple Power inverter is Bidirectional Circuit Diagram
When the circuit starts up, the substrate diode of the output FET bootstraps the output voltage to the point where synchronous switching takes over. When the gate-switching signal is symmetrical, the output voltage is approximately -95% of the input voltage, and the efficiency is greater than 80%. You can obtain voltage step-up or step-down by adjusting the switching ratio.
Power inverter is Bidirectional Schematic
When I used the circuit between two 4V lead-acid batteries, a comparator adjusted the switch ratio to drive charge in the desired direction. The circuit automatically replaces charge drained from one battery to the other. In a short-battery-life application, the 2.5-mA standby current from each battery may be negligible. Using lower-gate-capacitance, FETs can reduce losses. Alternatively, you can add gates to the drive circuit to turn off both FETs whenever the battery voltages balance.
The minimum input voltage is a function of the gate thresholds of the FETs. The ±9V rating of the CMOS 555 timer sets the maximum voltage. My prototype supplies approximately 100 mA Link
Transformerless Power Supply
They are generally covered with the logos of several different Safety Standards Authorities. If you need more current, use a larger value capacitor; or put two in parallel; but be careful of what you are doing to the Watts. The low voltage AC is supplied by ZD1 and ZD2. The bridge rectifier can be any of the small Round, In-line, or DIL types; or you could use four separate diodes. If you want to, you can replace R2 and ZD3 with a 78 Series regulator. The full sized ones will work; but if space is tight, there are some small 100ma versions available in TO 92 type cases. They look like a BC 547. It is also worth noting that many small circuits will work with an unregulated supply.
Circuit diagram:
You can, of course, alter any or all of the Zenner diodes in order to produce a different output voltage. As for the mains voltage, the suggestion regarding the 110v version is just that, a suggestion. I havent built it, so be prepared to experiment a little. I get a lot of emails asking if this power supply can be modified to provide currents of anything up to 50 amps. It cannot. The circuit was designed to provide a cheap compact power supply for Cmos logic circuits that require only a few milliamps. The logic circuits were then used to control mains equipment (fans, lights, heaters etc.) through an optically isolated triac.
If more than 20mA is required it is possible to increase C1 to 0.68uF or 1uF and thus obtain a current of up to about 40mA. But suppressor type capacitors are relatively big and more expensive than regular capacitors; and increasing the current means that higher wattage resistors and zener diodes are required. If you try to produce more than about 40mA the circuit will no longer be cheap and compact, and it simply makes more sense to use a transformer. The Transformerless Power Supply Support Material provides a complete circuit description including all the calculations.
Web-masters Note:
I have had several requests for a power supply project without using a power supply. This can save the expense of buying a transformer, but presents potentially lethal voltages at the output terminals. Under no circumstances should a beginner attempt to build such a project.
Important Notice:
Electric Shock Hazard. In the UK,the neutral wire is connected to earth at the power station. If you touch the "Live" wire, then depending on how well earthed you are, you form a conductive path between Live and Neutral. DO NOT TOUCH the output of this power supply. Whilst the output of this circuit sits innocently at 12V with respect to (wrt) the other terminal, it is also 12V above earth potential. Should a component fail then either terminal will become a potential shock hazard.
If you are not experienced in dealing with it, then leave this project alone. Although Mains equipment can itself consume a lot of current, the circuits we build to control it, usually only require a few milliamps. Yet the low voltage power supply is frequently the largest part of the construction and a sizeable portion of the cost.
AC Mains Voltage Stabilizer Circuit
Diode D2 and capacitor Cl provide the sample DC voltage for generating reference voltages for the cutout. For initial setting of cutout, collector of Tl is not connected to the base of T2. Also the time delay capacitor C4 is only connected after both under- and over- voltage points have been preset independently. Initially, due to the potential divider action of resistors R4, R6 and preset VR2, a voltage would appear at the base of T2. · lf this voltage is 0.6 ·V or more above the zener diode voltage of D4, transistor T2 would conduct, energising the relay and connecting the hot tap of the auto-transformer to the universal socket’s hot terminal through N/O contacts of the relay RLl. _ Resistor R7 is for limiting base current. Therefore poten- tiometer VR2 is preset in a position where the relay would just switch off below the required lower trip point. On the sample prototype this was adjusted at l55V input, a value at which the output voltage of the regulator was 200V—the lower limit for our specified regulated output.
Whenever output voltage goes below this safe operating voltage, the relay releases and disconnects the power to the appliance and simultaneously gives a visible indication of this by applying power to the neon light through its N/ C contacts. At this point the collector of Tl is connected to the base of T2. Again a sample voltage would be available at the cathode of D3 due to the potential divider action—of Rl, VR1 and R3. If this voltage exceeds the zener voltage of D3, transistor T1 would be able to conduct. This would clamp the base of T2 to ground. Since the base ofT2 has been pulled to ground, T2 would be no longer conductive and hence once again the cutout relay would be released, disconnecting the supply to the load. Preset VRl is so adjusted that as soon as the output supply voltage exceeds the upper limit (240·volts in our case), transistor T1 conducts and releases the relay. Once the over- and under-voltage points have been set, capacitor C4 (whose value may be found out experimentally) may be added between the base of T2 and ground.
This capacitor is essential to introduce a time lag in the operation of the cutout when rapid variations occur in mains supply. With capacitor C4 connected, the cutout waits till a steady level of voltage is reached. This also helps in avoiding erratic behaviour of the cutout. Referring to only one section, say around T3 and T4, of our regulator circuitry, we find that transistor T3 would conduct when its base is at a negative potential as compared to its emitter. The emitter of T3 is fed with a fixed reference voltage from the anode of D5 which remains more or less constant over the input voltage range. Preset VR3 is adjusted to a point where, any further increase in the input voltage switches T3 on, and consequently T4,·pulling_ RL2 on. Further stages are similarly set at different voltages. Setting Having checked up the wiring, procure a variable auto- transformer (known as variac) to set the correct input-output voltage range.
A very simple test for making sure that all stages of your circuit are operating is to feed input mains voltage and see that all the relays can be switched on or off by merely changing the settings of presets. At this stage no output load should be connected to the regulator. lf any part of the circuit remains permanently on or off, then the components as well as wiring for that particular stage may be checked thoroughly for faults. lf everything seems correct then connect a good quality multimeter, switched to read 250V AC, at the output socket. The cheap type of AC voltmeter mounted on the regulator panel is generally not a reliable instrument for accurate readings and should periodically be checked for calibration. Using a variac apply an input between 155 to 160 volts till you get an output just around 200 volts. Reduce this voltage slightly and make sure that as soon as it reaches below 200 volts (threshold between 195 and 200V) the low voltage cutout transistor T2 switches off, releasing RL1. For this test, base of T2 should not be connected to collector of Tl, so also positive of C4,_ as described under the cutout section. At this point no voltage would be available at socket SOI and neon Ll would be lit. Increase and decrease this voltage at the threshold range a number of times to make sure the steady repeat accuracy of the cutout. Having set this, preset VR2 may be sealed with a blob of paint. Next keep on increasing the input volts till the output just reaches 240V our upper limit for regulated voltage.
Till this _ stage all the presets of the regulator must be so positioned that none of the relays is on. So far as the auto-transformer is concerned this would mean that the input hot line is connected to point 1 of the transformer with output at point 4. incidentally this is the maximum step-up given by the transformer for the lowest input range. As soon as output voltage tries to shoot beyond 240V, preset VR3 should be adjusted to switch on RL2. ` This would change the input hot end from point l to point 2 of X2, thus reducing the step·up ratio of X2. Keep on increasing the input voltage with variac till again it reaches 240V output. Now the relay RL3 should be adjusted with preset VR4 to switch on, further reducing the step-up ratio.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Audio Power Amplifier 15 Watt
Audio Power Amplifier 15 Watt
2N3055 Power Amplifier
Simple and low cost. The optimal supply voltage is around 50V, but this amp work from 30 to 60V. The maximal input voltage is around 0.8 - 1V. As you can see, in this design the components have a big tolerance, so you can build it almost of the components, which you find at home. The and transistors can be any NPN type power transistor, but do not use Darlington types... The output power is around 60W.
Some comments:
- capacitor C1 regulates the low frequencies (bass), as the capacitance grows, the low frequncies are getting louder.
- capacitor C2 regulates the higher frequencies (treble), as the capacitance grows, the higher frequencies are getting quiter.
- this is a class B amplifier, this means, that a current must flow through the end transistors, even if there is no signal on the input. This current can be regulated with the 500ohm; trimmer resistor. As this current incrases, the sound of the amplifier gets better, but the end transistors are more heating. But if this current decrases, the transistors are not heating so much, but the sound gets worse...
Circuit diagram
author: Jacint Chapo
web site:
Monday, September 22, 2014
Mosfet Amplifier OTL 100W by K1058 J162
This includes a 220uF capacitor and two diodes to slow down the switch-on to reduce the output thump as the output capacitor charges through the speaker. This is not essential, depending on speaker sensitivity, with my own speakers there is just an unobtrusive low frequency sound at switch-on.
With other applications such as a bi-amp or tri-amp system with active crossover filters, this addition may become more useful to avoid low frequencies reaching high frequency speaker drivers. It may also have some point if a high sensitivity speaker is used, so it makes sense to include it in this low noise version.
Fuse Box Toyota 2005 Tacoma Engine Diagram
Fuse Box Toyota 2005 Tacoma Engine Diagram
Fuse Panel Layout Diagram Parts: daytime running light, headlamp, power outlet relay, J/B fuse, heater fuse, EFI relay, dimmer relay, ABS relay, ALT fuse, starter relay, heater relay, tail relay.
Electronic Clap Switch Circuit Diagram
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Fuse Box Toyota 2006 Matrix Under The Dash Diagram
Fuse Box Toyota 2006 Matrix Under The Dash Diagram
Fuse Panel Layout Diagram Parts: instrument panel, glass breakage sensor ECU, airbag sensor assembly, voltage inverter, ABS deceleration sensor, daytime running ligjt relay, starter cut relay, engine control mocule, shift lock control, stereo component amplifier, automatic light control sensor, cruise control, ignition relay, transponder key computer.
Complementary Push Pull Power Amplifier Circuit
Power Supply with principle of UPS
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Fuse Box Toyota 2002 Celica Instrument Panel Diagram
Fuse Box Toyota 2002 Celica Instrument Panel Diagram
Fuse Panel Layout Diagram Parts: ECU ACC, input terminal, fuse panel, body ECU, defogger relay, back up lamp, dome light, fan relay, warning light.
1999 2000 Porsche 911 Carrera Electrical Wiring Diagram
1999-2000 Porsche 911 Carrera Electrical Wiring Diagram |